VistoKit calculadora de rodas

by Joubert Dias e Santos

Auto & Vehicles


With this offline app and totally free of cost or advertisements you can verify that the change of the wheel assembly + tire of your vehicle complies with the precepts of the CTB (Brazilian Traffic Code) of Law No. 9503/97 in its resolution 292 / 08 Art. 8. paragraph II.It is appropriate to point out that there is an established variation in the application that is the logic that hardly any change of wheel and tire set is exactly like the original, then set a 2% tolerance for more or less in overall diameter of the change.The tolerance established in the previous paragraph has great significance in the context, although a small difference represents no major variation for measurements of low speed and medium distances, for high speeds and long distances is not applicable, we note that this tool does not relieve the cold letter of the law and it should be used as an approximate guide.